Tune in as we share real-talk conversations between women working in CX and those influencing the CX agenda from the periphery too.

Clare Muscutt talks with Natasha den Dekker about UX research & becoming the role model she never had.

Clare Muscutt talks with Natasha den Dekker about UX research & becoming the role model she never had.

“I'm a woman of colour and I think I have operated in predominantly white spaces my entire life. And as a first-generation person that was born in England, it means that there are a lot of cultural touchpoints that I don't have, and that impacted me growing up. And it's meant that I don't ever really feel like I fit in anywhere.”

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Clare Muscutt talks with Ingrid Lindberg talking about her journey to becoming the World's first CXO.

Clare Muscutt talks with Ingrid Lindberg talking about her journey to becoming the World's first CXO.

“I was 35 and I had a big job and there was one other senior woman at the company. And the CEO had said, you should get to know the senior woman. She's, you know, 30 years older than you are. You're very young. Another one of those you're very young for your big job. And I'll never forget. I walked up to her. We were at a board meeting. So we were, you know, at some fancy resort, you know, whatever, with all of our executives, from all the other companies who sat on our board of directors. And I walked up to this woman and I said, hi, you know, I know I've worked here only for six months.”

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