Tune in as we share real-talk conversations between women working in CX and those influencing the CX agenda from the periphery too.

‘Does the customer experience community really need Women in CX?’, with Ian Golding

‘Does the customer experience community really need Women in CX?’, with Ian Golding

Joined by Global CX Specialist, Ian Golding, in episode #703, he and Clare discuss the need for support and collaboration in an industry that often leaves us feeling isolated, foreground the importance of recognising our own privilege, and address the scepticism surrounding the need for women’s communities in 2024.

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Clare Muscutt talks with Natasha den Dekker about UX research & becoming the role model she never had.

Clare Muscutt talks with Natasha den Dekker about UX research & becoming the role model she never had.

“I'm a woman of colour and I think I have operated in predominantly white spaces my entire life. And as a first-generation person that was born in England, it means that there are a lot of cultural touchpoints that I don't have, and that impacted me growing up. And it's meant that I don't ever really feel like I fit in anywhere.”

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Clare Muscutt talks with Sarah Curran-Usher MBE about the evolution of retail customer experience
Retail, E-commerce, Digital Clare Muscutt Retail, E-commerce, Digital Clare Muscutt

Clare Muscutt talks with Sarah Curran-Usher MBE about the evolution of retail customer experience

I think it’s really important that I stress that, you know, particularly when we’re talking about profitability… and sometimes, I think there’s this unfair assumption towards female leadership that we’re focused on all the sort of exciting and cosy stuff, the warm staff that kind of creates this loyalty, but actually that therefore we’re not looking at the bottom line. And that’s not the case because actually, particularly if you’ve got a low average selling point, protecting your operational margin and operational profits is even more important because you haven’t got much to play with. But then, it’s about driving that repeat customer through strong loyalty, strong retention. It’s about maybe purchasing less inventory and stock so that you’re actually selling more at actually full price versus having to constantly give out discounts to incentivise people to shop.

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Clare Muscutt talks about CX Insights and Women in the Workplace with Kantar Insights CEO Amy Cashman

Clare Muscutt talks about CX Insights and Women in the Workplace with Kantar Insights CEO Amy Cashman

I think it’s really important to be clear what your red lines are in an organisation. I’m very clear there’s things I won’t miss: I have never missed one of my children’s assemblies; I’ve never missed sports day; I’ve never missed a parents’ evening. I just won’t miss stuff like that. And I’ve had occasions where it’s clashed with an important meeting and I’ve consciously chosen to explain, ‘I’m not at that meeting because I’m at a school assembly.’ I haven’t tried to hide it and say, ‘I’ve got a medical appointment’ or anything like that because that’s how you get the message that that is okay and that is normal. And that’s not always felt comfortable, to be truthful. I’ve come to that, I would say, over a period of time. It wasn’t something I would have done straight away when I got back from maternity leave, but I hope by doing things like that it just makes it…

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Clare Muscutt talks with Stacy Sherman about our mother's influence and advice on female leadership.

Clare Muscutt talks with Stacy Sherman about our mother's influence and advice on female leadership.

“So, having worked in corporate settings for over 20 years, I had to learn how to get a seat at the table, have a voice, and that’s what I learned from her. So, that’s one thing professionally. Secondly is personally, always being able to take care of myself. So, even though I have a husband – and earlier in my life I didn’t, of course – but being able to be self-sufficient. And my most favourite saying that we’ve spoken about is, my mom taught me that, ‘You’re the cupcake. You are the cupcake. Everybody else in your life are the sprinkles. You can’t make someone else the cupcake.’ And so, when you’re looking for a partner, or even a best friend, you can’t make them the cupcake. They add, they enhance your life”

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